The law firm Santacroce, based in Catanzaro, founded in 1997 covers the forensic activities in the areas of civil, criminal and administrative centre providing its experience with both judicial and extrajudicial activities. Thanks to its network of connections and collaborations work throughout the country with over 111 and include partners in many European countries as well as in Canada and United States. The study also uses 46 experts and specialists in various fields of interest for consulting and investigative activities. The study is characterized, therefore, by a professional structure, with branches both locally and remote, specialized matter and for which boasts a high degree of knowledge of the specific issues dealt with.
The purpose of the site is to represent a useful tool for legal practitioners as not, so any advertisements and was, therefore, created and designed in accordance with and in accordance with articles 17 and 18)) of Forensic Ethics approved by the Consiglio Nazionale Forense, the April 17, 1997 and subsequent amendments and integrations. The only character, informative on the profession from the study constitutes, therefore, an intercommunication system with its customers